Recruitment begins for novel biosampling approach in Kiel, Germany, for patients with Atopic Dermatitis
Using a recently developed, minimally invasive technology known as dermal open flow microperfusion (dOFM), researchers from the University Hospital Kiel, Germany, and the Joanneum, Austria, will generate real-time sample collection resulting in high-resolution images. Using these unique insights, the ImmUniverse team aims to improve personalised treatment, ultimately leading to a better outcome for people living with atopic dermatitis.
Interested patients with mild to severe atopic dermatitis should contact the Center for Inflammatory Skin Diseases at the UKSH in Kiel to participate: email the UKSH.
They will benefit from close monitoring by leading specialists in the field, while contributing to improved care for all atopic dermatitis patients. Keep an eye out for more opportunities to participate in August with research partners from Ludwig Maximilian University of Munich.