
The overall governance structure of ImmUniverse follows a multilayer structure that includes all partners grouped in the General Assembly (GA), an Executive Project Management Team (EPMT), and a Coordination Team (CT).

The management and governance structure ensures:

  • support for individual scientists for the achievement of project objectives,
  • progress monitoring and control on work package level,
  • coordination of project activities,
  • implementation of quality control mechanisms by defining appropriate project standards,
  • targeted dissemination of knowledge.

The organisational structure is adapted to the size and composition of the consortium and the tasks and duties of all partners. It has been designed to aim for a good balance of all stakeholders involved. The contractual details have been laid down in the Consortium Agreement signed by all partners at the start of the project.

For more information, please click on the graphic below

image/svg+xmlCommunicationCommitteeData Use andAccess CommitteeExecutive Project Management TeamBiomarkerDevelopmentBoardScientificand EthicsAdvisory BoardPatient Input PlatformGeneral AssemblyAll principal investigators/team leaders from each partner institutionCoordination TeamIMI Joint UndertakingExternalStakeholdersWP1EURICE, GSKWP2CAU, SanofiWP3HUNIMED, GSKWP4UNILU, PFEWP5AIT, NVSWP6CAU, Eli LillyCoordination (HUNIMED, GSK, CAU)Project Management (EURICE)Sanofi, as well as further EFPIA andnon-EFPIA partners (in equal balance)