It’s Analyses Time! ImmUniverse Aligns on Upcoming Findings and Publications as Data Integration Advances
From 30th September to 1st October, the ImmUniverse Consortium was invited by Project Co-lead Sanofi to meet in Frankfurt, Germany for its 4th Progress and General Assembly Meeting.
The meeting was opened by ImmUniverse Coordinator Stefania Vetrano (HUNIMED) and Project Lead Sumanta Mukherjee (GSK), before the Work Package Leads gave short updates on their roadmaps including potential barriers and risks. This was followed by an important in-depth exchange on the recent analyses and forward planning in light of the expected 18 months extension. Several partners (CAU, JRF, UNILU, AIT, and HUNIMED) shared their most recent findings, including first insights into the integrated analyses of Atopic Dermatitis and Ulcerative Colitis data.
- Single Cell RNAseq Analysis of ImmUniverse DPP Cohort, Philip Rosenstiel (CAU)
- Spatial Transcriptomics and Histologies, Florian Tran (CAU)
- Predicting 10-year AD outcome, Robert Häsler (CAU)
- dOFM, Christoph Magnes and Fernanda Monedeiro (JRF)
- Retrospective Data Analysis: GSK and Pfizer, Xinhui Wang (UNILU)
- Extracellular Vesicle Small RNA Profiling in Serum Samples, Enrique Ozcariz (AIT)
- New Strategies for EV Surface Protein Profiling, Lucia Ciglar (AIT)
- MetaboCypher: New Software for Metabolomics Analysis, Giuseppe Converso (HUNIMED)
As more data become available, the ImmUniverse consortium is entering an exciting phase with concrete publication plans. This echoes a comment made by ImmUniverse Scientific Advisor Werner Müller, Professor Emeritus of Immunology, Immunity to Infection and Respiratory Medicine, who emphasised the need for the consortium to share results soon, especially on integrated analyses.
As an important outcome of the meeting, it was agreed to organise a face-to-face analyses workshop early next year to continue the journey towards key findings.